Mari Mari Cultural Village 马里马里文化村

Are you looking for Mari Mari Cultural Village 马里马里文化村? Yes you are on the right website, because at here you will find lots of inspirations, ideas and information about Mari Mari Cultural Village 马里马里文化村. We have some interesting recommendations about what you are looking for and the following are our recommendations.

Awarded the Best Tourism Attraction Culture & Heritage two consecutive years (2012-2013).

Enjoy cultural experience through the display of unique ingenious architecture, simulated lives and ritualistic ceremonies.

Grab the chance to try out blow-pipe and traditional tattoo-making. Of course, don't forget to sample traditional cakes, bamboo rice, Montoku (rice wine) etc.

Meal: buffet meal in house

Note: Indicate your preferable visit hours:10AM, 2PM or 6PM

2012-2013年 最佳旅游景点(文化与风俗) 得主!


园区内的个别小村子展出卡达山族、巴妖族、杜顺族等原住民的衣食住行习惯,还有他们的艺术表演如竹管吹箭、传统图腾制作。 更别忘了品尝道地小有名气的竹筒饭和原住民米酒。


表演时间:早上10点, 下午2点 或 晚6点。(请指定)

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